» Calculation Wheel Load Overhead Crane Traning
saeid kamarkhani

In the first step, similar to all crane calculation software, you must enter basic or accurate data to get accurate results. As can be seen from the opposite figure, in front of each parameter, the description of it and the unit considered in the wheel load calculations are shown. And in the following, the parameters considered on the overhead crane are shown in the two figures below. You can use this software for two-bridge 4-wheel  overhead cranes. You can contact us through support for any questions.

See the results of the wheel load applied to the longitudinal beam through the wheels. These results are directly related to the right and left transverse approaches. These two parameters are given in the previous step, which you must enter correctly. In this case, the maximum wheel load will be on the wheels that have a smaller approach on that side and is directly related to the wheel diameter. In this step, the static and dynamic wheel load for the wheels is given correctly.

In this step, the lateral forces on the crane can be calculated and observed. In the new version, the wheel load calculations of the crane have been added.

In this step, the tensile force created in the overhead crane, the vertical force on the columns of the hall, and the moment created as a result of the vertical force of the hall are shown. These results are directly related to the distance between the wheel and the column of the hall, so pay attention to the point that the worst possible situation is the distance between the wheel and the column. It is where the wheel is close to the column of the hall, and the best situation and the lowest force is when the two longitudinal trolley wheels are in the center of the two columns of the hall. Usually, the distance between the two pillars of the hall is considered to be 6 meters, but this parameter varies and depends on the conditions of your hall.